Building resource-efficient AI solutions from Africa to the world
"If we find methods used by others are suitable to our social environments, we shall adopt or adapt them; if we find them unsuitable, we shall reject them."
– Kwame Nkuruma

The AI Revolution is here, and we’re ready for it.
Using African talent and resources to build distinctly African solutions for African problems. That’s us.
Lelapa.AI is a socially-grounded Africa-centric AI research & product lab built upon three primary intentions:

Lelapa is a concentration of Africa’s niche skills in resource efficiency. This wisdom around resource efficiency is imperative for the advancement of AI technology globally – and especially for solving the complex problems posed by the Global South (the Majority World).

Grounded in the philosophy of Ubu-ntu (I am because we are) Lelapa’s mission is to develop technology for the global family. We explore how contemporary challenges can be solved through centering technology on humanism based on relationality – advancing global Responsible AI practices on the continent and beyond.

African AI talent needs a home – an opportunity to contribute to solving problems that represent their best interests, in a place that facilitates them doing their best research, without compromising the kind of remuneration warranted by the application of such critical skills. Lelapa is that home.
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